Immortals Fenyx Rising

Let’s get the elephant in the room out the way first: Is Immortals Fenyx Rising just a cheap Breath of the Wild clone? My answer is, I have no idea – I’ve never played the latter. Before you grab your pitchforks, the game has just never had a key hook for me. In contrast Immortals has character customisation and a storyline centred around Greek mythology (a personal favourite), plus it is available at a much lower cost to boot. As such my choice of game seemed pretty clear.

Immortals Glide

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Babylon.js Sandbox

Currently in beta but set to launch officially later this year, After Effects will soon allow you to render and manipulate 3D objects directly in the software, removing the requirement to export huge TIFF sequences from Cinema4D. Unfortunately with my Cinema4D student license nearing its end, I needed to export my models to the desired GLB format pronto. Wanting to ensure this procedure had been done correctly, but with the AE feature still in development, Babylon.js stepped up to be my saving grace with its wonderful Sandbox.

BabylonJS Sandbox Environment

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Rise of the Tomb Raider

Over three years ago now, I got my gaming laptop. Back then, I fired up Tomb Raider (2013), a game that cost under £2 on Steam, and was blown away by the graphics and gameplay. Fast forward two years and my library of free games via the Epic Games Store has been stacking up, the sequel, Rise of the Tomb Raider included. Now in possession of the PowerA Xbox Wired Controller, I was ready to delve back into the world of Lara Croft.

Rise TR Weapons

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PowerA Xbox Wired Controller

Over the past few years, Epic Games have given away a couple of games for free per week via their store, with a bonanza often occurring around the Christmas period. As a console gamer however, I have always found use of key controls tricky and so after amounting multiple games I was eager to play, I took the plunge, opting for the PowerA Xbox Wired Controller. Thankfully it would be a decision I would not come to regret.

PowerA Controller Cable

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