Unreal Engine ‘The Thread’ – MediaMonks

Typically used for video game creation, Unreal Engine by Epic Games has recently seen significant updates to position it in contention with other 3D software like Cinema 4D or Maya. Discovered courtesy of The FWA, MediaMonks created a fantastic animation to promote this, crafted entirely within Unreal Engine itself.

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Titan Cardiff

If you’d have said to me a year ago that I would be attending a drum and bass festival this last Friday, I wouldn’t have believed you. Then again, if you’d have told me a year ago I would have a girlfriend I wouldn’t have believed you either. With her birthday just around the corner, we attended Titan, Cardiff on 17th September. With pyrotechnics, lasers and other crazy visuals it was quite the experience, even if the music wasn’t exactly to my tastes.

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Utsubo Website

Discovered courtesy of The FWA, technology-first creative studio Utsubo don’t need to showcase a portfolio of work, their website acts as testament to their talents itself. Making use of a variety of features throughout that promote interactivity with the content on display, browsing is transformed from a passive experience to an engaging one.

Utsubo Draw

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