Unravel Two

After eyeing the game up for years, during a recent eShop sale I finally picked up Unravel Two, not being able to resist its incredible discount of 80%. Playable solo for sure, it is a game that has clearly been built around co-op and with my sister now owning a Switch herself, it seemed an ideal game for us to play together, even if we only see eachother now once a month or so.

Unravel Two Customisation

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Illustrator – Radial Blur

Effects, whilst not a staple of Illustrator as in Photoshop, are certainly handy in a pinch and over the years the Gaussian Blur effect has come in handy many times, performing a uniform blur around the edge of an object. Conversely, the Radial Blur has always proved more troublesome, with the effect seemingly having a complete absence thereof. With some new brand guidelines being introduced at work though, this unlikely effect would become my saviour.

Radial Blur Menu

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“Splatoon 3” Google Search

Recently on September 9th, Nintendo released the third game in their territorial shooter series Splatoon on the Switch, aptly named Splatoon 3. To celebrate said game, and the series as a whole, Google have once again worked their magic and created a fun interactive experience that can be triggered when any of the games are searched for. Cue lots of ink-redible fun…

Google Splatoon Search

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Astrology Club – Spotify

Discovered courtesy of The FWA, what stood out to me about Spotify’s latest interactive web experience was that it centred around two things that have never appealed to me: astrology and podcasts. Aiming to use my astrological star sign to predict podcasts I might like, I decided nonetheless to give it a go and see what answers would be chucked out the other end.

Astrology Club Cancer

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